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Chinese translation for "announce a ban on"


Related Translations:
announce:  vt.1.告知,报知,通告。2.宣布,宣告,发表;唱名报(客等);通知(开宴等)。3.预告;显示。4.当(节目的)报幕员[广播员]。 announce a call (长途电话)接通通知。 announce a new edition 登新书广告。 announce a visitor 通报有客。 It has been semiofficially announced t
announced:  宣布
announcing microphone:  广播传声器
announce booth:  播音员室
ancg announcing:  宣布
announcing removal:  迁移通知
announce result:  宣布结果
announce results:  公布成绩
announce verb:  宣布,通告
announcing appointments:  人事任命公告
Example Sentences:
1.U . s . secretary of health tommy g . thompson has announced a ban on the import of civets , a small animal native to asia that is suspected of transmitting sars ( severe acute respiratory syndrome ) to humans
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